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Техническая информация
Заголовок главной страницы: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Elive - Fast, Beautiful and Powerful OS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Описание сайта: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Elive is an optimized linux, which works very fast in old computers, having a unique experience and beautiful desktop with tons of features for daily use | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Заголовки ответа: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h2 Support the Revival of a Linux Gem
h1 Elive, maybe the best Linux OS ever made
h2 - And probably the only distro you'll stay with -
h4 But Elive is not for everyone, are you the exception?
h3 Technical details
h3 Not just Debian with Enlightenment
h3 Facts about Linux
h3 Testimonials
h5 When you come to Elive it's an unique experience that you will never get anywhere else.
h5 Elive is by far the best OS at delivering top-notch performance on very low specs hardware, including all the software a modern computer is expected to have.
h6 Virus Protected
h6 Super Fast
h6 Try before Install
h6 Focus
h6 Multiple Screens
h6 Cost-Free
h6 Intuitive
h6 Applications
h6 Spyware Free
h6 All Languages
h6 Sysvinit & Systemd
h6 Stable
h6 Functional
h6 Sizes & Fonts
h6 Auto Health
h6 Tools
h6 Stunning
h6 Dynamic
h6 Multimedia
h6 Customize
h6 Encryption
h6 Drivers
h4 - We focus on providing a well tested stable environment for an optimal setup -
h2 Own Packages
h2 Total Packages
h2 Years
h2 Downloads
h6 This OS is very impressive! I am 50 years old, I played with many operating systems from DOS, Windows 3.x, Mac OS and more, I have been an IT consultant for 20+ years and I simply love what they did.
h6 My Windows system quit after 3 years, later my boyfriend installed Elive on my laptop.
I do not miss Windows one bit!
Thank you for this awesome system that is super user-friendly to intermediate people like me!
h6 Elive was the only way to convince my childrens to use Linux, from all the other systems that I have tried they preferred to use Windows XP. Now they are fans of Elive! (Note: they have 5, 7 and 9 years old). Excellent work, Congratulations!
h6 Elive saved my PC, it is now running like new and with lots of features. Everything works straight out of the box and is elegant and easy to use. Thank you Elive!!! You deserve much more recognition!
h6 Some distros are set up like a house decorated. Elive is like a home that someone lives in. Users will discover the many subtle details only after living with Elive for a while.
h2 Powerful OS
h4 even in slow computers
h3 Download
h2 Improving the World since 2005
h5 Reducing technological waste
h5 Schools re-using computers
h5 Affordable possibilities
h5 Interconnecting the world
h5 Enterprises saving money
h5 Saving lives
h4 Your support is crucial
h4 Cost-Free?
h4 Downloads
h4 Support
h4 Sitemap
h4 Other Links
Не открывается elivecd.org - симптомы ошибок и сбоев, способы решения проблем
Ошибки на сайте elivecd.org могут быть как на стороне сервера, так и на вашей стороне (на стороне клиента). Если с ошибками на стороне сервера практически ничего не сделать (остается только ждать, когда сайт снова заработает), то с ошибками на стороне клиента возможно решить проблему с доступностью elivecd.org самостоятельно.