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Land for Sale in Russia & Farms
Описание сайта:
Our land brokerage company helps foreign farmers purchase land property in Russia for growing crops and livestock.
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h1 Land for sale in Russia
h3 Land of 1800 hectares for wheat cultivation
h3 Land plot of 5500 hectares in the Saratov region
h3 Land 13800 hectares for rapeseed cultivation
h3 500 hectares by the river for vegetable cultivation
h3 31-hectare land plot in Altai Krai
h3 Agricultural land 5000 hectares in the Tula region
h3 Turnkey business in Crimea
h3 29900 hectares of arable land in one location
h3 15 hectares of land in the Crimean peninsula
h3 Land 1750 hectares of black soil for rent
h3 1406 hectares of land for rent in Siberia for growing crops
h3 Winter greenhouse for rent near Moscow
h3 Apple orchard 55 hectares in Krasnodar
h3 Nut orchard 48 hectares in Krasnodar
h3 11 hectares of land in Altai for a residence for foreigners
h3 1150 hectares of land near the river for growing vegetables
h3 Modern dairy farm for 1200-3600 heads with new equipment
h3 Meat farm 13500 hectares near Moscow
h3 461 hectares of land for rent 70 km from Moscow
h3 1410 hectares of land with buildings and equipment
h3 3478 hectares for growing wheat
h3 Dairy and meat farm with a cheese dairy
h3 Recreation center in Altai for receiving tourists
h3 1350 hectares of agricultural land for wheat
h2 Agricultural land in Russia
h2 Land in Siberia
h3 the cost of 1 acre of Russian land is several times cheaper than the price of 1 acre in South America or even in Africa;
h3 government provides significant grants for farmers, and you can count on them too;
h3 farmland in Russia is more fertile than in Africa or China;
h3 there are no frequent droughts in Russia and no lack of access to water;
h3 population of Russia is more educated than people living in Africa, there are no problems with hiring local experts;
h3 Russia has no problems with logistics; infrastructure and transportation system are well developed, there are many roads and seaports in the country.
h2 Farms in Russia
h2 How can foreigners buy land in Russia?
h5 Choose farmland
h5 Register companies
h5 Taxation system
h5 Organizational matters
h5 Easy negotiations
h5 Printed manual
h3 Navigation
h3 Property types
h3 Follow us

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